Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Some thoughts on Pauline Kael

I loved reading Afterglow, and at one point I had my computer next to me with IMDB open so I could look up the movies they were talking about and watch the trailers, it was fascinating.
Kael's ability to watch a movie once and be able to have such a strong opinion about it impresses me, and that she can recall the movies enough to carry conversations about them years later is just ridiculous. Especially at eighty. I love what she said about modern movies, and I love that she didn't really like Star Wars, because when something is so universally loved like Star Wars usually is, it makes me nervous. To be honest, Star Wars is kind of boring to me.
I looked up Francis Davis and read a bit about his jazz reviews. It's so interesting that there's enough jazz venues to have a reviewer. Maybe I'm showing my ignorance, but I thought it would be hard enough to find a movie or music critic job, jazz seems so sparse these days that there would only be 3 job openings for a jazz reviewer...ever.

1 comment:

  1. Let's organize a movie night. Collen was interested, and I think other people will be too.
