Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Scrubs Season 8: first, a hesitation, then a good old LOL moment, but ultimately sadness.

In order for Scrubs to even have a season 8, was traded from NBC to ABC, and with that came very unfortunate consequences. Mainly, The Todd is no longer allowed to be shown in a banana hammock, which constitutes about half of his jokes. From now on, The Todd will only be making crude jokes and high-five snapping guest stars, which is a loss, but it's manageable.
Zack Braff (JD) is sporting an annoying beard now. I'm not sure what else to say about the patches on his face, but after a while you can start to ignore it. Besides not seeing enough of either Carla or Turk, my main beef with season 8 is it has a distinct feeling of transition. We're being given these new, quirky in a bad way, interns who I have the feeling are going to slowly take over the show. In the end, JD will pop out here and there but it will be mostly the Intern story with Zack Braff voice-overs. I also read that they might be doing this.
I have two words to say about that: bad idea. It's better to burn out than fade away, and this show is definitely fading and it's compromising it's integrity all the while. Although it still gives laugh-out-loud moments, they're interrupted by this anxiety because too much has changed for this to be going on much longer. Bob Kelso isn't the chief of medicine anymore, but he hangs out in the coffee shop for the muffins, the janitor makes a few appearances, but rarely is in the same scene as JD, we're still laughing at Turk's diabetes? The show has definitely lost it's umph and it's left with a flat, overdone set of jokes that still get me laughing, but leave me ultimately sad because it doesn't seem like the actors like it anymore.
In the words of one of the interns I don't really like, Scrubs has turned into a buzz kill.

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